Operating System: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 (32 or 64 bit, preffered - 64
bit for large images)
Processor: 1 GHz or faster
RAM: 2GB or more
Disk Space: 500MB or more
Image Size: up to 36MP for 64-bit OS and up to 15MP for 32-bit OS
User Interface
First of all download SmartDeblur installer and install it (you need to have admin
When the installation is complete go to the Start menu and run SmartDeblur - the main
window will appear:
The User Interface consists of two main areas - image viewer (in the center) and control
panels (on the left side).
You can do the following operations with the areas:
File (left-bottom) - open/save images, see help
Zoom (status bar) - manage image scale/zoom
Blur Parameters - allows selecting a blur type and performing the basic
image deblurring operations
Blur Model - contains blur path preview and controls for
changing the blur parameters
How to deblur an image
1. Click on the "Open" button to select your image (or use drag & drop).
The currently supported formats are JPEG, PNG, TIFF and BMP
The image will be loaded and shown in the main center area.
Then go to the "Blur Parameters" panel:
2. Choose defect type. There are three cases:
Auto-detect Blur - automatically determine camera shake blur
Out-of-Focus blur - blur due to incorrect focus
Gaussian Blur - typically it's a blur made by photo editors like
Photoshop, Gimp, etc
The "Auto-detect Blur" option is selected by default.
Auto-detect Blur
In this mode, SmartDeblur will automatically analyze the image and determine the blur
It is suitable for the common motion blur defects (like camera shake) and for
small/medium defocus.
If you need to restore images with large defocus - use "Out-of-Focus" or "Gaussian Blur"
Then for a quick start you can just click on the "Analyze Blur" button and wait for a
while (about 1-2 minutes).
When the process is completed, the restored image will be shown in the main area.
If the results looks good you just need to choose desired smooth level by moving the
slider and clicking the "Apply Smooth" button.
In case of bad results you can increase/decrease the "Blur Size" using the slider and
manually select a region for blur estimation by clicking and dragging on the image.
Region shall not be too small and shall contain salient structures. See
Another option is to use the "Aggressive Detection" checkbox. In this mode SmartDeblur
will use some more aggressive strategies to find significant structures on the blurred
Use this if the image contains clearly visible blur paths (from glares or another point
light sources). In this case you need to select a small region containing that light
And the last option to tune the blur analysis results is the "Kernel Editor". Click on
this button to open the editor panel (will be shown on the left side).
Use left mouse button to fill in any discontinuous parts of a path, and right mouse
button to remove unnecessary parts (like noise, wrongly detected curves, etc).
You can modify the painting pen parameters via the "Line Density" and "Line Width"
Out-of-Focus and Gaussian Blur
Use these modes to remove a blur caused by mis-focus or Gaussian/defocus blur created by
image processing software. They work in manual mode, so you need to select the right
blur radius.
To start deblurring just load an image and select the appropriate defect type.
Then move the "Radius" slider carefully, a preview result will be displayed (in
grayscale to reach high speed).
After you tune to the right radius value, release the slider and wait for the full
processing (about 5-10 seconds).
Finally choose Smooth level with the corresponding slider and release it
Command-Line Interface
Available in the PRO version only!
Using command-line interface you can easily integrate SmartDeblur with other software, or process images in batch mode.
Usage: SmartDeblur [options]
1. Start GUI with specified image: SmartDeblur "Path\MyImage.jpg"
2. Simple processing w/o GUI: SmartDeblur -i "Path\MyImage.jpg" -o "Path\Result.jpg"
3. Advanced processing w/o GUI: SmartDeblur -i "Path\MyImage.jpg" -o "Path\Result.jpg" -r 10:30:500:400 -t auto -s 50 -a -e -m 65 -y medium
-?, -h, --help Displays this help.
-i, --input Input file path
-o, --output Output file path
-r, --region Analyzing region x:y:width:height
-t, --type Defect type: auto, focus, gaussian
-s, --size Blur size or radius depending on blur type
-a, --aggressive Use Aggressive Detection for 'auto' defect type
-m, --smooth Smoothness value
-y, --smoothType Smoothness type
-p, --suppress Suppress ringing artifacts value (for 'focus' defect type only)
-e, --report Save report that tracks all params, hashes, etc
-k, --saveKernel Save kernel - don't change original kernel name
-u, --useKernel Use kernel - don't change original kernel name
-d, --thread Threads count for processing
Available in the PRO version only!
Detailed report on image processing (parameters used, blur assessment, image hashes, etc.), which is saved in a separate text file alongside the output image.
Report example:
---------- SmartDeblur REPORT ----------
---------------- COMMON ----------------
Version: 2.3 PRO
Date/Time: 21 Mar 2015 10:26:40 -0800
User Name: John
----------------- FILE -----------------
Input File Path: C:\Images\IMG_3442.jpg
Input File SHA-1 Hash: 832d0bbb0b8b96ed7e2ebbdd01673ac2ebd73058
Output File Path: C:\Images\IMG_3442_res.jpg
Output File SHA-1 Hash: 2a1307d3f172fe3ff95696ffb6878aad8ecd6958
---------------- KERNEL ----------------
Kernel Size: 78 x 78 px
Kernel Metric: 31 % (indicates how sharp the input image. 100% - sharp, 0% - blurry)
----------- BLUR PARAMETERS ------------
Defect Type: Auto-detect Blur
Blur Size: 78 px
Aggressive Detection: No
Analyzing Region: x: 10, y: 50, width: 700, height: 400
----------- POST PROCESSING ------------
Smoothness: 69 % (Medium)